Ethiri En 3 is an upcoming Indian Tamil action thriller film directed by Ramkumar. It stars Srikanth, Poonam Bajwa, Sampath Raj and Prabhu Ganesan in lead roles. The story revolves around a software engineer who falsely becomes accused of committing a crime and gets intricated into a gang war. Featuring music scored by Dharan, cinematography handled by Richard M. Nathan and art direction by Thotta Tharani. Dhayanidhi Alagiri is the producer for Ethiri En 3. The film is currently in its filming stage and slated to release by 2012.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
srikanth in Ethiri En 3
bharath kumaran
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Ethiri En 3 is an upcoming Indian Tamil action thriller film directed by Ramkumar. It stars Srikanth, Poonam Bajwa, Sampath Raj and Prabhu Ganesan in lead roles. The story revolves around a software engineer who falsely becomes accused of committing a crime and gets intricated into a gang war. Featuring music scored by Dharan, cinematography handled by Richard M. Nathan and art direction by Thotta Tharani. Dhayanidhi Alagiri is the producer for Ethiri En 3. The film is currently in its filming stage and slated to release by 2012.
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